Ladies! How to make a man crazy about you!
You have to find the right compliment at the right time. The French woman knows how to speak to Men. Since the Ancient times, women have been looking for these MAGIC SENTENCES. Cleopatra knew about them. Queens gave them to Princesses. And up to now, most of the President's wives have used them. Please keep them as secret as possible.
  • You do sports, don't you?
  • You're strong
  • You're very funny
  • I like... your horse, your shield, your kingdom, your car, your bike, your boat, your jet plane, your jacket, your watch, your eyes... (there's ONE thing special every man is proud about, you just have to find it)
  • You're smart, or You're right

    Like anything good, use it with moderation. Women, use these sentences very rarely and at the RIGHT TIME. They are worth the Gold reserve of the USA. Please keep them secret. And these magic sentences will enable you to move mountains.

    Don't compliment men at the very beginning, but once you know for sure you've gained interest, find the right words. This article is offered by What a woman wants, a woman gets.
    You will make him MAD ABOUT YOU. You will become his mistress, his wife, his WOMAN. Your MAN will move mountains just to get you, and listening to you whispering his name in the storm of the night.

    If you want to know how to make anyone crazy about you, I put everything for you in the success seduction guide "The French Secrets".

    Take care, and lots of love!

    Your French Coach,

    Doc LAMOUR


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    About the author: Doc LAMOUR is a famous dating expert and resides in Paris, the city of love.

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